Class ClientConfig


public final class ClientConfig extends Object
The ClientConfig holds the configurations for the InfluxDBClient client.

You can configure following properties:

  • host - hostname or IP address of the InfluxDB server
  • token - authentication token for accessing the InfluxDB server
  • authScheme - authentication scheme
  • organization - organization to be used for operations
  • database - database to be used for InfluxDB operations
  • writePrecision - precision to use when writing points to InfluxDB
  • defaultTags - defaultTags added when writing points to InfluxDB
  • gzipThreshold - threshold when gzip compression is used for writing points to InfluxDB
  • responseTimeout - timeout when connecting to InfluxDB
  • allowHttpRedirects - allow redirects for InfluxDB connections
  • disableServerCertificateValidation - disable server certificate validation for HTTPS connections
  • proxy - HTTP proxy selector
  • authenticator - HTTP proxy authenticator
  • headers - headers to be added to requests

If you want to create a client with custom configuration, you can use following code:

 ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig.Builder()
     .proxy(ProxySelector.of(new InetSocketAddress("proxy.local", 8888)))

 try (InfluxDBClient client = InfluxDBClient.getInstance(config)) {
     // your code here
 } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
Immutable class.
  • Method Details

    • getHost

      @Nonnull public String getHost()
      Gets URL of the InfluxDB server.
      URL of the InfluxDB server
    • getToken

      @Nullable public char[] getToken()
      Gets authentication token for accessing the InfluxDB server.
      authentication token for accessing the InfluxDB server, may be null
    • getAuthScheme

      @Nullable public String getAuthScheme()
      Gets authentication scheme.
      authentication scheme, may be null
    • getOrganization

      @Nullable public String getOrganization()
      Gets organization to be used for operations.
      organization to be used for operations, may be null
    • getDatabase

      @Nullable public String getDatabase()
      Gets database to be used for InfluxDB operations.
      database to be used for InfluxDB operations, may be null
    • getWritePrecision

      @Nullable public WritePrecision getWritePrecision()
      Gets the default precision to use for the timestamp of points. If no precision is specified then 'ns' is used.
      the default precision to use for the timestamp of points, may be null
    • getGzipThreshold

      @Nonnull public Integer getGzipThreshold()
      Gets the threshold for compressing request body using GZIP.
      the threshold in bytes
    • getDefaultTags

      public Map<String,String> getDefaultTags()
      Gets default tags used when writing points.
      default tags
    • getTimeout

      @Nonnull public Duration getTimeout()
      Gets the default timeout to use for the API calls. Default to '10 seconds'.
      the default timeout to use for the API calls
    • getAllowHttpRedirects

      @Nonnull public Boolean getAllowHttpRedirects()
      Gets the automatically following HTTP 3xx redirects. Default to 'false'.
      the automatically following HTTP 3xx redirects
    • getDisableServerCertificateValidation

      @Nonnull public Boolean getDisableServerCertificateValidation()
      Gets the disable server SSL certificate validation. Default to 'false'.
      the disable server SSL certificate validation
    • getProxy

      @Nullable public ProxySelector getProxy()
      Gets the proxy.
      the proxy, may be null
    • getAuthenticator

      @Nullable public Authenticator getAuthenticator()
      Gets the (proxy) authenticator.
      the (proxy) authenticator
    • getHeaders

      @Nullable public Map<String,String> getHeaders()
      Gets custom headers for requests.
      the headers
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the configuration properties.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object