Interface InfluxDBClient

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public interface InfluxDBClient extends AutoCloseable
The InfluxDBClient interface provides a client for interact with InfluxDB 3. This client supports both writing data to InfluxDB and querying data using the FlightSQL client, which allows you to execute SQL queries against InfluxDB IOx.
  • Method Details

    • writeRecord

      void writeRecord(@Nullable String record)
      Write a record specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol to the InfluxDB server.
      record - the record specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol, can be null
    • writeRecord

      void writeRecord(@Nullable String record, @Nonnull WriteOptions options)
      Write a record specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol to the InfluxDB server.
      record - the record specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol, can be null
      options - the options for writing data to InfluxDB
    • writeRecords

      void writeRecords(@Nonnull List<String> records)
      Write records specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol to the InfluxDB server.
      records - the records specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol, cannot be null
    • writeRecords

      void writeRecords(@Nonnull List<String> records, @Nonnull WriteOptions options)
      Write records specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol to the InfluxDB server.
      records - the records specified in the InfluxDB Line Protocol, cannot be null
      options - the options for writing data to InfluxDB
    • writePoint

      void writePoint(@Nullable Point point)
      Write a Point to the InfluxDB server.
      point - the Point to write, can be null
    • writePoint

      void writePoint(@Nullable Point point, @Nonnull WriteOptions options)
      Write a Point to the InfluxDB server.
      point - the Point to write, can be null
      options - the options for writing data to InfluxDB
    • writePoints

      void writePoints(@Nonnull List<Point> points)
      Write a list of Point to the InfluxDB server.
      points - the list of Point to write, cannot be null
    • writePoints

      void writePoints(@Nonnull List<Point> points, @Nonnull WriteOptions options)
      Write a list of Point to the InfluxDB server.
      points - the list of Point to write, cannot be null
      options - the options for writing data to InfluxDB
    • query

      @Nonnull Stream<Object[]> query(@Nonnull String query)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<Object[]> rows = client.query("select * from cpu")) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • query

      @Nonnull Stream<Object[]> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<Object[]> rows = client.query("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                       Map.of("host", "server-a")) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • query

      @Nonnull Stream<Object[]> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<Object[]> rows = client.query("select * from cpu", options)) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • query

      @Nonnull Stream<Object[]> query(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<Object[]> rows = client.query("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                       Map.of("host", "server-a"), options)) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • queryPoints

      @Nonnull Stream<PointValues> queryPoints(@Nonnull String query)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx into Point structure using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<PointValues> rows = client.queryPoints("select * from cpu", options)) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      Batches of PointValues returned by the query
    • queryPoints

      @Nonnull Stream<PointValues> queryPoints(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx into Point structure using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<PointValues> rows = client.queryPoints("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                                Map.of("host", "server-a"))) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      Batches of PointValues returned by the query
    • queryPoints

      @Nonnull Stream<PointValues> queryPoints(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx into Point structure using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<PointValues> rows = client.queryPoints("select * from cpu", options)) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of PointValues returned by the query
    • queryPoints

      @Nonnull Stream<PointValues> queryPoints(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx into Point structure using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<PointValues> rows = client.queryPoints("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                                Map.of("host", "server-a"),
                                                                options)) {
            rows.forEach(row -> {
                // process row
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of PointValues returned by the query
    • queryBatches

      @Nonnull Stream<org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot> queryBatches(@Nonnull String query)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<VectorSchemaRoot> batches = client.queryBatches("select * from cpu")) {
            batches.forEach(batch -> {
                // process batch
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • queryBatches

      @Nonnull Stream<org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot> queryBatches(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.

      The result stream should be closed after use, you can use try-resource pattern to close it automatically:

       try (Stream<VectorSchemaRoot> batches = client.queryBatches("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                                         Map.of("host", "server-a"))) {
            batches.forEach(batch -> {
                // process batch
      query - the SQL query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • queryBatches

      @Nonnull Stream<org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot> queryBatches(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.
       try (Stream<VectorSchemaRoot> batches = client.queryBatches("select * from cpu", options)) {
            batches.forEach(batch -> {
                // process batch
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • queryBatches

      @Nonnull Stream<org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot> queryBatches(@Nonnull String query, @Nonnull Map<String,Object> parameters, @Nonnull QueryOptions options)
      Query data from InfluxDB IOx using FlightSQL.
       try (Stream<VectorSchemaRoot> batches = client.queryBatches("select * from cpu where host=$host",
                                                                         Map.of("host", "server-a"),
                                                                         options)) {
            batches.forEach(batch -> {
                // process batch
      query - the query string to execute, cannot be null
      parameters - query named parameters
      options - the options for querying data from InfluxDB
      Batches of rows returned by the query
    • getInstance

      @Nonnull static InfluxDBClient getInstance(@Nonnull String host, @Nullable char[] token, @Nullable String database)
      Creates a new instance of the InfluxDBClient for interacting with an InfluxDB server, simplifying common operations such as writing, querying.
      host - the URL of the InfluxDB server
      token - the authentication token for accessing the InfluxDB server, can be null
      database - the database to be used for InfluxDB operations, can be null
      new instance of the InfluxDBClient
    • getInstance

      @Nonnull static InfluxDBClient getInstance(@Nonnull String host, @Nullable char[] token, @Nullable String database, @Nullable Map<String,String> defaultTags)
      Creates a new instance of the InfluxDBClient for interacting with an InfluxDB server, simplifying common operations such as writing, querying.
      host - the URL of the InfluxDB server
      token - the authentication token for accessing the InfluxDB server, can be null
      database - the database to be used for InfluxDB operations, can be null
      defaultTags - tags to be added by default to writes of points
      new instance of the InfluxDBClient
    • getInstance

      @Nonnull static InfluxDBClient getInstance(@Nonnull ClientConfig config)
      Creates a new instance of the InfluxDBClient for interacting with an InfluxDB server, simplifying common operations such as writing, querying. For possible configuration options see ClientConfig.
      config - the configuration for the InfluxDB client
      new instance of the InfluxDBClient
    • getInstance

      @Nonnull static InfluxDBClient getInstance(@Nonnull String connectionString)
      Creates a new instance of the InfluxDBClient from the connection string in URL format.


       client = InfluxDBClient.getInstance(""
               + "?token=my-token&database=my-database");

      Supported parameters:

      • token - authentication token (required)
      • org - organization name
      • database - database (bucket) name
      • precision - timestamp precision when writing data
      • gzipThreshold - payload size size for gzipping data
      connectionString - connection string
      instance of InfluxDBClient
    • getInstance

      @Nonnull static InfluxDBClient getInstance()
      Creates a new instance of the InfluxDBClient from environment variables and/or system properties. Environment variables take precedence over system properties.


       client = InfluxDBClient.getInstance();

      Supported environment variables:

      • INFLUX_HOST - cloud/server URL required
      • INFLUX_TOKEN - authentication token required
      • INFLUX_AUTH_SCHEME - authentication scheme
      • INFLUX_ORG - organization name
      • INFLUX_DATABASE - database (bucket) name
      • INFLUX_PRECISION - timestamp precision when writing data
      • INFLUX_GZIP_THRESHOLD - payload size size for gzipping data
      Supported system properties:
      • - cloud/server URL required
      • influx.token - authentication token required
      • influx.authScheme - authentication scheme
      • - organization name
      • influx.database - database (bucket) name
      • influx.precision - timestamp precision when writing data
      • influx.gzipThreshold - payload size size for gzipping data
      instance of InfluxDBClient