authtoken authentication scheme. Not set for Cloud access, set to 'Bearer' for Edge.
databasedefault database for write query if not present as argument.
headersDefault HTTP headers to send with every request.
base host URL
proxyFull HTTP web proxy URL including schema, for example http://your-proxy:8080.
querysupplies query options to be use with each and every query.
querystream timeout for query (grpc timeout). The gRPC doesn't apply the socket timeout to operations as is defined above. To successfully close a call to the gRPC endpoint, the queryTimeout must be specified. Without this timeout, a gRPC call might end up in an infinite wait state.
timeoutsocket timeout. 10000 milliseconds by default in node.js. Not applicable in browser (option is ignored).
tokenauthentication token
transportspecifies custom transport
transportTransportOptions supply extra options for the transport layer, they differ between node.js and browser/deno.
Node.js transport accepts options specified in http.request or
https.request. For example, an agent
property can be set to
setup HTTP/HTTPS proxy, rejectUnauthorized
property can disable TLS server certificate verification. Additionally,
follow-redirects property can be also specified
in order to follow redirects in node.js.
fetch is used under the hood in browser/deno.
For example,
redirect property can be set to 'error' to abort request if a redirect occurs.
writesupplies and overrides default writing options.
Options used by InfluxDBClient .